Senin, 07 September 2009

Torres: Fans Liverpool Menyukai Saya Layaknya Steven Gerrard

Torres: Fans Liverpool Menyukai Saya Layaknya Steven Gerrard

Striker asal Spanyol ini merasa senang berada dengan perilaku para suporter Liverpool.

8 Sep 2009 02:09:53

Fernando Torres - Liverpool (PA)
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Fernando Torres - Liverpool (PA)

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Oleh MT Rizky

Membela sebuah klub yang memiliki latar belakang sosial penduduknya sebagai kelas pekerja ternyata memberi kebahagiaan tersendiri buat Fernando Torres.

Buat Torres, Liverpool sebagai sebuah kota dan klub merupakan tempat yang sangat menyenangkan.

"Orang-orang di sini begitu santun dan sopan. Mereka menaruh perhatian yang begitu besar kepada para pemain ketika Anda sedang berada di luar lapangan," kata Torres kepada The Liverpool Echo.

"Hal itu menjadi salah satu hal penting buat saya. Di Spanyol, sungguh sangat sulit buat saya pergi ke restoran atau hanya sekedar berjalan bersama teman-teman."

"Sekarang [di Liverpool] saya dapat melakukan apa saja dan bisa dengan bebas pergi ke taman, jalan bersama anjing atau hanya sekedar makan malam."

"Ini sungguh kota kelas pekerja yang begitu menyenangkan karena saya sendiri sebenarnya juga dilahirkan di sebuah bagian dari kelas pekerja di Spanyol."

"Orang-orang di sini bekerja sepanjang pekan dengan sangat keras, lalu di akhir pekan mereka datang ke stadion untuk menikmati penampilan timnya."

"Saya juga semakin bertambah bahagia ketika melihat para suporter [Liverpool] itu mengenakan kaos dengan nama saya di belakangnya. Saya jadi paham mengapa mereka mengenakan kostum Stevie G atau Carra, itu karena mereka berasal dari Liverpool."
"Dan waktu saya datang di sini dua tahun lalu sebagai seorang pemain asing, mereka juga memperlihatkan kecintaian yang sama terhadap saya seperti layaknya Stevie [Gerrard] atau Carra [Jamie Carragher]. Wah sungguh menyenangkan dan saya harus katakan terima kasih."

kepada mereka semua."

Torres: Liverpool Tak Bisa Bersaing Dengan Klub Kaya

Torres: Liverpool Tak Bisa Bersaing Dengan Klub Kaya

Fernando Torres melakukan yang bisa diperbuat Liverpool adalah terus memperbaiki performa.

7 Sep 2009 20:52:21

EPL: Fernando Torres, Bolton Wanderers - Liverpool (PA)
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EPL: Fernando Torres, Bolton Wanderers - Liverpool (PA)

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Oleh Aditya Ramadhan

Striker Fernando Torres mengatakan Liverpool tidak bisa bersaing dengan klub-klub yang menghabiskan banyak dana untuk belanja, seperti Chelsea, Manchester United, dan Manchester City.

"Saya kira kami kian dekat dengan trofi, tapi segalanya menjadi sangat sulit," ujar Torres.

"Di sepakbola saat ini, uang menjadi faktor penting kesuksesan sebuah tim," lanjutnya.

Klub-klub seperti MU, Manchester City, dan Chelsea, masih menurut Torres, memiliki banyak uang untuk belanja. Liverpool tidak bisa melakukan hal itu.

"Tapi kami akan mencoba terus memperbaiki performa kami," kata Torres.

Jika ingin mendapatkan kesempatan meraih trofi, menurut Torres, Liverpool harus melakukan sesuatu yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

"Kami siap menghadapi tantangan itu," ia mengakhiri.

Liga Inggris

Milan Incar "WonderKid" Palmeiras

Milan Incar "Wonderkid" Palmeiras

AC Milan mulai beringsut mencari pengganti Kaka.

6 Sep 2009 22:03:55

Adriano Galliani - Milan (Grazia Neri)
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Adriano Galliani - Milan (Grazia Neri)

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Oleh Agung Harsya

Wakil presiden AC Milan, Adriano Galliani, mengakui awal pekan ini akan mencari pemain baru untuk mengganti Kaka.

Menurut Sportmediaset, Galliani mengincar bintang muda Palmeiras, Marcos Antonio da Silva Gonçalves, alias Marquinhos, sebagai kandidat utama.

Milan diduga sudah membahas secara serius transfer pemain berusia 19 tahun itu dan Marquinhos siap didatangkan pada bursa transfer Januari mendatang.

Marquinhos awalnya bermain di posisi penyerang lubang, trequarista, tapi mulai berkembang dan bisa bermain di berbagai posisi. Marquinhos juga bisa dimainkan sebagai striker bayangan atau di sayap berkat kecepatan dan kualitas teknik yang dimilikinya.

Milan masih memiliki satu spot pemain non-Uni Eropa dalam skuad setelah pemain asal Uruguay, Tabare Viudez, memutus kontrak berdasarkan kesepakatan bersama. Direksi Milan menganggap Marquinhos memiliki kemampuan untuk mengikuti jejak Kaka, yang meninggalkan Milan ke Real Madrid musim panas ini.

Arsenal Takut sama Inter

Arsenal Takut Sama Inter
Pelatih Arsene Wenger bahagia dalam fase penyisihan grup ini pihaknya bisa terhindar dari klub-klub Italia.
7 Sep 2009 02:49:31
Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager
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Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager
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* Arsenal
* AZ Alkmaar
* Inter Milan
* Olympiakos
* Standard


* Arsene Wenger
* Mario Barwuah Balotelli

Oleh MT Rizky

Pelatih Arsenal Arsene Wenger menyebut Inter Milan sebagai salah satu klub yang paling mengancam dalam perburuan meraih juara di Liga Champions musim ini. Wenger juga memuji penampilan striker Inter Mario Balotelli.

Pada fase penyisihan grup, skuad berjuluk The Gunners ini cukup beruntung dapat terhindar dari klub-klub Italia. Arsenal yang tergabung di Grup H bersama dengan AZ Alkmaar, Olympiakos dan Standard Liege merupakan salah satu tim favorit yang akan melaju ke babak berikutnya.

Namun demikian Wenger menyatakan dirinya akan sangat berharap bisa terhindar lebih awal dulu dari skuad Jose Mourinho di kancah Liga Champions.

"Saya menilai Inter sebagai sebuah skuad yang sempurna di Liga Champions. Pada saat sekarang ini, saya memperhatikan penampilan Balotelli, seorang pemain yang sangat saya sukai," katanya kepada skysports.

"Dalam pandangan saya, rasanya dia [Balotelli] dapat menjadi salah satu pemain terbaik."

"Terus terang juga saya merasa bahagia kami terhindar dari tim-tim Italia pada fase penyisihan grup ini."

BLOG Pendukung Liverpool Dari Inggris: Saatnya Berbahagia...

Meski dilanda cedera, "Scouser" Steve tetap yakin Liverpool akan membuat berita kejutan lainnya. Ia juga menyarankan pola yang perlu diadopsi oleh Liverpool saat kehilangan Fernando Torres. Ikuti analisa lengkapnya!

20 Okt 2008 21:27:24

Fernando Torres, Spain (PA)
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Fernando Torres, Spain (PA)

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Oleh "Scouser" Steve

Setiap saat, ada berita nyentrik yang disuguhkan bagi The Reds pada musim ini, dan laga kontra Wigan termasuk di dalamnya. Setiap waktu bergulir, saat itu pulalah terdengar di telinga kita mengenai warta kemenangan dramatis, selebrasi kemenangan, dan kegembiraan.

Sungguh menggembirakan mampu mengantongi lagi tiga poin setelah “bencana” jeda internasional menghantam Liverpool. Dalam blog ini, saya selalu menegaskan, saya bukanlah seorang suporter sepakbola, namun yang menjadi menarik dalam dunia ini adalah penjualan oplah koran yang terus meningkat, dan rentetan cedera para pemain Liverpool. Paska laga Internasional, pasti semua tim akan merasakan kehilangan beberapa pemain pilar mereka, namun Liverpool selalu mengalami permasalahan yang lebih buruk ketimbang tim lainnya.

Kali ini, mereka (timnas) telah mencederai Torres (foto), Masch, dan Babel di saat Liverpool akan memasuki laga penting di musim ini.

Bagaiamana pun juga, kini saatnya kita mengalihkan perhatian kepada pertandingan kontra Atletico dalam Liga Champions. Keputusan UEFA menghukum Atletico lantaran kelakuan beberapa suporter mereka bisa menggambarkan sikap para pemimpin sepakbola di level Eropa.

Bagaimana tidak, di saat ribuan pendukung Liverpool sudah membeli tiket, menyiapkan segala perlengkapan travel, dan mengatur jadwal keberangkatan, pihak UEFA memutuskan untuk memindahkan lokasi pertandingan lebih dari 200 km jauhnya. Hal ini menggambarkan bagaimana mereka dengan mudah mengeluarkan keputusan tanpa mempertimbangkan kepentingan suporter.

Untungnya, pertandingan nampaknya akan berlangsung di Atletico, dan pasukan Kop sudah siap melawat guna mengibarkan bendera kemenangan. Ini adalah pertandingan krusial bagi kedua tim, dimana keduanya akan melaju ke babak berikutnya dan apa pun hasilnya dalam laga nanti akan menentukan siapa yang lebih berhak menyandang gelar kampiun grup, dan lebih diuntungkan pada stage knock-out.

Selain itu, kemenangan itu bisa membuat pasukan Liverpool sedikit relaks, dan kemudian memberikan kesempatan bagi pasukan lapis dua merasakan atmosfir berlaga di Liga Champions.

Sejauh pengamatan saya, ada baiknya jika Liverpool mempertimbangkan pola 4-2-3-1 saat berhadapan melawan Atletico dan Chelsea minggu depan. Pola itu biasa dipakai pada musim lalu, di samping alasan absennya Torres. Pola ini memberikan Liverpool pertahanan stabil, sekaligus keleluasaan dalam menekan dan menyerang terutama serangan balik. Terserah siapa pun diplot di lini belakang dan tengah, namun saya mengusulkan di lini depan untuk memasukkan Kuyt di sisi kanan, ditemani Riera pada sisi kiri, Keane, yang didukung oleh Gerrard, berada di ujung penyerangan.

Saya masih ragu dengan tajamnya serangan tanpa dukungan Torres dan Babel. Hanya saja, melihat pengalaman Keane yang selalu diplot sebagai striker solo di timnas dan klub, meski tidak memiliki kecepatan tinggi, kekhawatiran itu tidak lagi muncul. Keane adalah sosok pemain yang cerdas, menjaga ritme permainan, hingga bantuan serangan dari tengah datang menghampirinya. (ab)

Slow News Day

By: CSD | Comments 9 Comments Aside from Babel having a cry that he’s not getting any playing time and speculation that Aquilani might be closer to being fit than we thought, there’s not a whole lot happening during the break. There is, however, a little news on the new kit sponsor. It’s nothing new that Liverpool was looking for a shirt sponsor to replace Carlsberg that will bring more of the proverbial fat cash. It seemed that Standard Chartered Bank was the one that was going to land it, but now it looks like they might be in a bidding war with Prudential. Either way, the money will almost double what the club is getting now and bring in around £15m-a-year. That means we could buy another 6 or 7 Kyrgiakos’.
So the lame question up for discussion is who would you rather have on the front of the next shirt you buy? I’ll miss Carlsberg, but it’s not that great of a beer and it’d be nice to have the kits look normal when playing in countries that ban alcohol advertising, like France. Although, Warsteiner would look cool. Someone hook that up!

Category Category: Team News

Still Skeptical

By: CSD | Comments 17 Comments Things are pretty grim when you start getting excited about a win over Bolton. To say that the team bounced back would be overstating their performance. It was looking like Liverpool were going to suffer another defeat or at least a draw until Sean Davis was sent off. With 80% possession, we have got to be playing better.
The strategy Bolton was employing was man marking Gerrard. If you can shut down Gerrard, you can pretty much shut down our offence because our wings are not being used well. That is with the exception of Glen Johnson who should maybe be playing in the midfield instead of defending. Either way, is continues to show his worth after firing off a bullet from his left foot.
I thought Kyrgiakos was fairly solid in his debut. It’s hard to judge too much when someone puts on the red shirt for the first time. I think Voronin should be playing more, but I really don’t get why he drops so far back to the middle of the field if he’s supposed to be a forward. There were also a few times that he could have scored if he had read the play a bit better and been in the right spot. He’s definitely a worker and if Hertha Berlin could figure out a way to utilize him, we should be able to as well.
I still don’t like Lucas. I hope Aquilani makes a big splash in October and sends him to the bench. If Aquilani ends up being a flop or injured again, I will be depressed for the rest of the season.
Our set piece defending is still awful. It seemed to be improving last season. I’m not sure what changed, but it hasn’t been for the better. Maybe we can blame that on Xabi leaving as well.
This is a good time for an international break. We need to stop and have another look at what we’re doing without the pressure of a match coming up. Maybe Rafa will have some sort of divine inspiration and will shuffle things around before we face the mighty Burnley on September 12. After having their spirits crushed by Chelsea, they don’t look as dangerous.

Category Category: Team News

The Sound of Crickets

By: CSD | Comments 9 Comments It has been relatively quiet around Liverpool recently. I think everyone is still speechless from the Villa catastrophe. A few things of note:
We’ll be facing Lyon, Fiorentina, and Debreceni in the group stages. Debre-who? They are the league champs from Hungary. Personally, I am not familiar in the least with Hungarian football and have no idea how much of a threat they will be. I’m guessing, not a lot. It’s a breath of fresh air to have some teams that the club has never met in European competition. In theory, Liverpool should have no problem being at the top of this group, with maybe Lyon coming in second. We’ll face Debreceni first on September 16th.
One of our promising youngsters, Krisztián Németh, has been loaned to AEK Athens for a year. This is great news for him as it will give him the opportunity to get some more experience. At the moment, unless someone in our squad gets injured, it is hard to get first team action. I would like to see a few more of these deals signed for some of the others. We have a huge squad that is just kind of sitting around.
It’s off to Reebok Stadium on Saturday to face Bolton. The team should predictably bounce back before the international break. The next league game after that will be against Burnley. Why am I suddenly worried about Burnley?
I know this is kind of a crap post. Sorry =(.

Category Category: Liverpool, Team News

LFC 1 - 3 Villa

By: CSD | Comments 16 Comments So–yeah, about that title thing. Before everyone starts cussing the yank owners for their inability to fund an immediate replacement for Alonso, I would like to point out that we should not have to have a huge transfer budget to beat the likes of Tottenham and Aston Villa. Those teams certainly don’t. The only ones that do are Man Utd, Man City, and Chelsea.
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The Greek, The Breakfast Club and Rappin’ Babel

By: CSD | Comments 2 Comments Right now many in Athens, just like in Liverpool, are scratching their heads wondering what the hell just happened. Just days after pledging his allegiance to AEK Athens for the next four years, Sotiris Kyrgiakos was snapped up by Liverpool. On his official website, Kyrgiakos issued a statement explaining his decision.
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Category Category: Liverpool, Team News

LFC 4 - 0 Stoke, Post Match Yay!

By: CSD | Comments 4 Comments

I think the above highlights pretty much sum it all up. Liverpool totally dominated their first home game, a stark contrast from the performance on Sunday. Glen Johnson has already shown that he is worth every penny that was spent on him. I mean really, did you see that second goal? Holy shit! Daniel Ayala was nervous, but did well in his starting debut. I cannot imagine the pressure an 18 year old would feel stepping out on the pitch at Anfield with 40,000 screaming fans.
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Stoked About Stoke? Not Really

By: CSD | Comments 1 Comment Fresh off the heart pounding, wonderful, performance on Sunday, the Reds will host Stoke City Wednesday at 3pm EST/8pm BST. Part of that last bit was sarcasm and I will give you a hint, it was not the time. To say that this season has had an ideal start would be, well, ideal. One would think that it should be. No one really picked up any knocks at the Confederations Cup, which saw Spain exit early thanks to the USA. Two big signings were made over the summer, albeit one was broken when the club bought him. Finally, what I think is the most important, this is the first time in about five seasons that we have not had to qualify to get into the Champions League.
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Spurs 2 - 1 LFC Post Match, Ugh…

By: CSD | Comments 7 Comments In short, that was awful. Credit to the Spurs for putting up a good fight and having a nearly impenetrable defense. Some of the officiating was unfortunate towards the end, but that’s how it goes in this league.
Babel started, which was a shocker. With Benayoun available, he should have definitely been the first choice. There was much more energy when Yossi eventually came on for him, but the Reds still couldn’t put anything together. Nothing seemed to be clicking between the players. Missed passes, center backs running into each other, oh my. As if we did not have enough defenders injured, Carragher head butted Skrtel in the jaw when they went for the same ball. We’ll have to wait and find out how much damage was done to the big man, but he did not look too happy. Daniel Ayala, an 18 year old Spaniard, eventually came on for him and did pretty well.
Insua was decent and Johnson made a few runs forward that looked dangerous, one resulting in drawing a penalty after he was laid out by Spurs’ goalkeeper, Gomes. He also showed that he can put in a good cross, but unfortunately Torres couldn’t direct it in.
I think our biggest fear has come true, because the midfield is really where we were lacking today. No one showed today that they are capable of creating chances and space like Xabi Alonso could. The best of the worst would have to be Reina or Johnson. It’s a sad feeling when you have to say your keeper was one of the best performers, especially after losing.

Category Category: Liverpool

Come on You Reds!

By: CSD | Comments 2 Comments I was sitting around feeling sorry for myself, I think mostly because I have been drinking light beer, when I realized that the dreary summer is over. Life without football has come to an end. Sure we have a few injuries and we’re kicking off the start of the league with a tough club, but it beats the hell out of the position we were in last season. I think it was around this time that we were wondering if we were going to make it into the Champions League or not after drawing our first match with Standard Liege.
The gaffer has this eerie zen-like calmness about him. If there is a player out there that he really wants and has not been able to land for whatever reason, it is a well kept secret. The owner situation is stable for another year. The manager, back room staff, and most players are on long term deals. The only thing missing out of this equation is belief, but I’m going to stop with my negativity right now and say that I believe we have what it takes to win trophies this season. I believe that even though we may face adversity, as any club does, it is nothing we can not overcome. We are Liverpool Football Club and we’ve come to take your titles. Please engrave in a timely fashion and pass them up to the front.
A few videos to get you going:
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